Friday, February 27, 2009

Flagstaff Orchestra/Band Trip

Jessica goes to Flagstaff
This week Jessica went to flagstaff with the Highland High
school Chamber Orchestra. We left on Wednesday Feb 25th at
about2:00pm. We were traveling with the Highland
Symphonia orchestraand the Highland Symphonic Band.
I was able to go and be a chaperon. I also handled the
meds for my bus. we took four buses. It was such a great trip.
Im so glad I got to go and be with Jessica. We were going
for an ABODA Festival at Coconino HS.
When we arrived in Flagstaff we at at the Peter Piper Pizza.
Can you imagine four bus loads of Highschoolers descending
on this pizza place. We filled up the place. They were ready
for us. We ate and had about an hour left over for free time.
there is a target next to the pizza place and most kids
went over there to stock up on candy.
Jessica and her friend Natalie
So Jessica forgot her jacket at home. Flagstaff is up in
northern Arizona and it is cold. We were able to
find a jacket at target on clearance for $10.
Next we went to NAU for a concert. The NAU Symphonic
Band was playing. It was a very good concert.
We then went to our hotel. This kids had a couple hours
of free time before lights out at 11pm. There was a
lounge with a fireplace in the hotel that the kids could just
sit and relax and visit. It was an uneventful evening.
I must say some great High School Kids.

The next morning we went to the Festival.
This is the High School We played at.

Jessica in the warm up room.

This is the Chamber Orchestra playing for the judges.

After the Festival we went to Burger Row to eat lunch.Jessica and I ate at Subway. then we loaded the busses for home

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Renaissance Festival

Jessica goes to the Renaissance Festival!
On Wednesday February 18th, Jessica and I went to the
Renaissance Festival with the Highland High School
Drama Class. It was a great day, in the high 60's.
We took school Busses to the Festival and spent about
four hours there. It was fun to see all the charaters and
watch the show. The food is good there also. They have
Turkey legs and bread bowl with soup. They sell all
sorts of things. This year I got warm chashews, Yum.
Jessica and I had a nice day and enjoyed the Festival.

Jessica with her friend Libby

By the way they are Juggling Fire!

A Juggling Trio called London Broil

The winner of the jousting Tournament.

The other Knight

I saw our favorite show the Hey Nunnie Nunnie- the silly singing Nuns.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy 50th Anniversary!
Today February 13th, 50 years ago these two love birds
got married. Its hard to believe that fifty years has
gone by. They had a small ceremony in a house
in Stites Idaho. I think moms dress was beautiful.
Dad looks so cute in his suit. I know its been a
long road to this point. Kids are not easy as you know.
Life is also not easy. But these two remarkable people
made it through hard times and good.
I am honored to be their daughter.
Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad.
If I could i would make you a heart cake with red hots!
Mr and Mrs Philip Hartman Feb 13, 1959

Mr & Mrs PhilipHartman February 13, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

50th Wedding Anniversary

So here is what I have been up to theses last few weeks.
I have been working with my famly to plan
a 50 wedding Anniversary reception for my parents.
Yes, 50 years, Wow.
We are having the reception Friday, March 20.
It is going to be held in Ephrata at the Ivy Chapel.
Planning the reception has been so much fun. I guess
I need the practice, with 2 girls growing up so fast.
There will be receptions to plan with them someday.
It is nice to be able to do something for the people
who have given so much for all of us.
They are such great parents.